11. Janice - Healed from a thyroid condition for 7 years through a personal revelation of God’s love
Date: 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Note: Janice & Edwin were fellow ASEAN scholars and personal friends of Joshua
I wanted to testify to the glory and goodness of our God for His miracle of healing!! I had been suffering from hypothyroidism for more than 7 years (since my daughter Lauryn's birth) and chronic iron deficiency which had in the past caused me chronic fatigue and general poor health. When first diagnosed, my GP said my blood test result for TSH (thyroid function test) was the worst he had ever come across, and essentially my thyroid was not working anymore. He has said that I had to be on thyroid hormone replacement medication FOR LIFE! In addition, my chronic iron deficiency added to my constant fatigue and poor health in the last few years.
Even though I had been experiencing a spiritual revival since 2003, I was often distracted to fully appreciate the truth about my wonderful Jesus until the beginning of 2006. Last year, I thought that I was going to test my faith by going off my medication and claiming my healing (by professing healing scripture), while subconsciously, not being sure that God wanted to heal me. The healing didn't take place because within 2 weeks, I was feeling really sick again without my medicine. But I consoled myself, thinking my husband Edwin did say, that me taking my medication is not a reflection of my level of faith with God???!!
My "metanoia" moment came during the Sunday services straight after our Israel trip. And my loving Father confirmed His love to me individually by the upgrade on the SIA flight back to Sydney. This had never happened before. I knew at that point the Lord was showing me that He loved me and was so encouraged that He touched me in such a personal way. Even though this incident would seem insignificant to anyone, it was a BIG revelation to me about God's love for me (individually).
From that point, I was more conscious of the truth that the Lord loved me! I kept meditating on the love and goodness of God through anointed message CDs, this time more seriously, and the Lord's truth has become more "heart" knowledge the more I listened. This time I really knew that He loved me, and Jesus' work on the cross was complete, and my heart was fully convinced this time.
God put me in situations where 2 of my close friends were going through cancer, and I had to encourage them to trust God for their healing and to be full of hope, because Jesus had paid the price for their sickness. I felt so sad, because, while I knew the truth in my heart, I felt I was just spouting rhetoric, when I am not appropriating this healing for my own self, and my own sickness was not even life threatening! How can they believe, when I myself have not had my healing?
So 4 months ago, I told Jesus that I was going to go off my medication again, but this time, I really knew He loved me and desired to heal me, and have paid for my health and wholeness - this time I was sure I was going to get my healing. I simply rested in Him. But I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to deter me from stopping my medication, not even Edwin, especially when he knew about my previous "failed" attempt at "exercising" faith.
Weeks passed and not only did I not feel sick or tired, I was so full of energy and I felt so encouraged by the Lord's goodness! Only then did I tell Edwin what I did! At first he scolded me for doing it again, but I told him I felt really well and I knew I was healed this time, so he asked me to do a blood test. I said I wanted to wait for a few more weeks because I wanted to be sure that I was really well (because the Lord had healed me) not because of the residual medication that was in my system. I told the Lord that I knew I am healed and I was going to testify of His goodness and this miracle, and I will have proof of my healing from my blood test! So recently, I did go and do my blood test, and the results showed what I already knew - everything was normal - my thyroid is working and I don't have chronic iron deficiency anymore!
Praise to Jesus! The Lord is so good!
Mrs Janice & Dr. Edwin Khoo
At 1:33 PM, yarei said…
Praise the Lord Almighty- Jehovah Rapha- the Lord Who Heals Me!!!
Wow, what an incredible testimony! Praise the name of the Lord. I have been suffering with hashmotos which led to symptoms of hyperthyroid when i was just 13-15. At 21, I was diagnosed as having hypo and have gone through a tremendous roller coaster of symptoms for the past years.
I read your testimony and was so encouraged. Thank you for sharing!!! Is there any way to contact you via email or telephone? I would love to chat with you!~
At 5:50 AM, Anonymous said…
This testimony is god speaking to me..
I am going through the same thing.. I am searching the net for others with thyroid and hormone problems that Jesus has healed and this was what I am looking for!
I just started to come off my Adrenal medication and I feel very bad but today the lord spoke to me and said I am already healed and to keep going off of it... And to be sure I go to bed early each night.. With my condition staying up late is devastating.
The lord is speaking to me and telling me to have full faith... And to release any fear or doubt he can't do it... For the lord said nothing is impossible!
I am going to do it!
Thank you Jesus...
At 6:55 AM, Jasmine Cooper said…
this is so encouraging i just stopped taking my thyroid med i have Graves disease and they removed my thyroid when i was 17 and im praying to God for healing! Thank you for that!
At 5:49 AM, rejuvenation05 said…
I just found out two days ago what it is that I have been dealing with for several years now, and it is hypothyroidism. I am not under a phsyician's care or on any medication, and I am not going to go under a physician's care or get on medication. Strangely, I felt led to request a prayer cloth from a ministry of some friends of mine just a few days ago... before I was finally lead to the missing piece of information which solved the mystery of what was wrong with me. I've never done anything like that before. The prayer cloth arrived in the mail yesterday, and even though I had thought I would use the it for another issue, I have been holding it to my thyroid instead and believing God to heal me completely and reverse all the effects of this dis-ease. Also, as of last night, several believers are praying for my healing as well. Your testimony registered with me, not only because it concerns healing from a thyroid condition, but also because I was just talking to the Lord only yesterday about what you described...how can I be a good witness to others to have faith in God when I have need of healing myself? I am a person that people come to for encouragement and building up in faith, and here I am, probably in worse shape than they are. I think the devil was trying to use that to discourage me...tell me I was being a hypocrite. Except I know faith! I've been healed before, and I've laid hands on others who were also healed. But when I read what you wrote there it put tears in my eyes, because that's where I've been lately, too. But NOW, I am determined to focus on the amazing, all-encompassing, unconditional love God has for me, because I know that faith works by love...I just got my eyes off of that for a time. Thank you so much for posting your testimony. I rejoice with you in your miraculous healing! May God continue to richly bless you!
At 5:53 PM, sarah said…
hi Janice!
Praise the Lord for healing you. Iam suffering from thyroid for last two years. Iam praying to Lord Jesus Christ for healing. Please pray for me.
At 11:28 PM, Shirley Donalds said…
I bought natural thyroid supplements because we had recently been told that my husband suffers from hypothyroidism. We didn’t want to go down the path of prescription drugs to treat it, so we explored natural options.
At 6:34 AM, Shanthini said…
Daddy God has healed you and I am so glad that you posted this. I needed to read this.
May God Bless you richly.
With God all is possible..
At 9:01 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi sweetheart!
I went through the same thing. I stopped my meds the first time with disastrous consequences. I wanted answers as most of God's people are sick and broke, and how was this a testimony to being the children of a healing King? So His answer came soon and He asked me why I tested Him. That was a big aha moment for me. His time is not ours. So I said that this time He needed to reveal to me when He wanted to heal me. Now, 2 years later, the time has come, but I have to go through a 40 day lent period with Him, walk, pray and fast with Him, cut out gluten, milk and caffeine. I'm instructed to pray a lot as this illness was revealed as a generation curse and a strong hold. He even gave me a list of supplements I have to take etc. I'm starting this journey this coming Wednesday. Yes, I'm scared, I'm weak willed and my faith is tested, but I'm not going against His will. This time, I know, He came to set the captive free forever..
At 9:49 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Sweets, not to be a kill joy, but your thyroid was removed?!?. What are you praying for, that your thyroid will grow back like a foot or a hand that was cut off? That's the very organ that is needed to create the thyroid hormone. I am a beleiver, but I think this is pushing it a bit girl?. God will give back to you in other things. (((Hugs)))
At 9:45 PM, Unknown said…
Dear Mischka am so disappointed with your discouraging post, I would like to let u know that our God is the Lord of impossibilities and he is our creator he has all the missing parts of our bodies its all about u trusting in him and he can do things beyond our human understanding. My cc with a removed thyroid I would like to encourage u that dont love hope God is there for u.Amen
At 7:48 PM, Unknown said…
Boy, I needed to read all these, even the above doubting post showing that we all have ups and downs in where we all are, but our G-d, He, thankful for this, is unchanging, he is creative in all of what he does and who he is, fully able to make man from dust, and totally able to replace what was taken out with something more wonderful then what was before, amen! I have struggles, yes, was 289 pounds, now I have this dance between 195 to 181, want all of the areas I have lost from this. I have even gone through a war with loved ones over this area, others have said it was all in my head, even when it was tested and on paper they would not believe. I because of others hate and wanting to be free of me even drove me to want to kill myself over it all. G-d is love, and his perfect love casts out fear, when others take steps to create what they think is wrong with your take on things, doesn't mean it is true, only G-d is completely truth, let men be lies, not HIM! 100 pounds isn't easy to take off, and my plate is completely overloaded, crying today for Abba, to set up and take this from me for I can't do it all on my own. Even when I know he is the only one that loves me, his perfect love must cast this out too, just like we know when our kids ask for something that is good, we do it for them, not give them something other then what they asked for and believed they would receive from us. Abba, G-d is complete in his love, this is his seed of faith he starts in is, and he will be see it through! That is what a faithful father does, can't be anything other then faithful, can't help it, his love for us revokes that out of him! Laurel (victory)
At 11:27 AM, joseadric said…
God can grow back the thyroid...if he can raise a person from death..why not a normal organ. Have faith in Jesus. I am also suffering from thyroid and right now i pray for this lady too for healing and for a miracle
At 10:08 PM, Lisa said…
I have been having thyroid issues(goiter) since i became pregnant for my son. It is now 5 months pospartum.. i have been dealing with nervous, elevated heart rate, anxiety, panic attacks... my blood test showing as mild hyperthyroidism.. i have ran many times to the ER....doctors... after reading your testimony todat.. im really encouraged.. Jesus is our healer... That there is nothing impossible for him. I have began to trust in him... that he will deliver and restore me once again. Thank you so much for your testimony. God Bless.
At 6:56 AM, Ebot Ashu said…
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