7. Eunice - Ministering with God's unconditional love among former drug addicts
Date: 2002-2007
Location: Singapore
Note: Eunice And is the founder of Encounter Meeting. Today, she ministers among inmates. She encountered the Lord during her Lutheran church revival in the 1990s.
Written by: Joshua Lye (Walking on Water, Amazing Grace Publications, 2007)
This is the testimony of a dear friend, Sister Eunice Ang, an ordinary lady who embarked on an extraordinary journey because of God’s unconditional love in her heart.
Despite the hectic demands of work at a global MNC like most people, Sister Eunice would spend her lunchtime praying with her prayer partners, Sister Valerie Rodrigo and Sister Annie Yap. One day, God gave Sister Eunice a vision of a white prison van and said to her to “set the prisoners free”. She knew it had to do with ministering to prisoners or ex-prisoners. God had placed His compassion in her heart.
Miraculously, God opened a door for Sister Eunice to start a prayer ministry at a halfway house. The group met 3 times a week over lunch. She would forego her lunch hour in order to minister to the inmates.
Subsequently, God opened the door for her to minister in the evenings. With unconditional love, she ministered through prayer. The prayer group soon grew and the prayer room was filled to the full capacity. A revival started as prayers were answered. The people contacted the power of God through the prophetic ministry. Lives were touched, forgiveness flowed and reconciliations took place with family members, resulting in salvations.
Even though some of the inmates were rejected by their own family members, Eunice accepted them as they were. One dear brother fell back into drugs and wanted to commit suicide by jumping down from a high storey. Through patience and love, the Lord used Eunice to avert the disaster. The brother went back to prison and his family gave up on him, but Eunice refused to give up. She obtained letters for the lawyers and successfully persuaded the judge to reduce the sentence.
For a period of time, Sister Eunice would wake up at 5 o’clock every morning to visit and minister to this dear brother in the remand prison. She would then rush to her office to start work punctually. In the evenings and on weekends, she would even help his mother at the hawker stall on his behalf. She ministered with compassion to the mother who had cancer.
The few friends who knew what she was doing were constantly amazed at her sacrificial love and wondered where she found such energy. This has been a labor of God’s unconditional love for the last 5 years. The journey has been full of challenges and tears, but God’s unconditional love sustained Sister Eunice and gave her the strength to minister.
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