
Christianity is a living relationship with God, where we experience His abundant grace in our lives. We would like to share some of these wonderful testimonies contributed by friends - to glorify God and to encourage your faith.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

55. Jesus loves me this I know

Name: Joshua
Date: 27th September 2007, Thursday
Location: Singapore, Encounter Meeting

During this Encounter Meeting, we had quite a few friends who joined us. As usual, I was eager for all who had made the effort to join us – to receive a touch from the Lord during Encounter Meeting. We never want anyone to go back without receiving something from God.

But as the host, I got anxious when the worship leader was late and I couldn’t reach her on the phone. It wouldn’t be a good start to the meeting for our friends.

At that moment, I looked to the HS for guidance and was impressed in my heart to start the meeting. So I told everyone that we would start without the worship leader, and that as long as the HS was in our midst, we will let Him lead.

Have you been in such a situation before? You are the host. You had to start the worship without the worship leader. You have not prepared any songs, and you don’t know what the next step is? I know that it makes us even more dependent on the Holy Spirit – and His guidance. When we are weak, then He is strong.

So I felt impressed in my heart to share a few things and then start with the song, “Jesus loves me this I know.” Then we followed on with some other songs and had a wonderful worship.

After the worship, one of our guests asked, “Why did you sing the song Jesus loves me this I know?” I said I didn't know - I just felt led by the HS.

This lady had brought a friend. She shared that she had been ministering to this friend in the afternoon, and they sang this song with the friend. When I sang the same song (out of the many thousand songs available), they knew that God was speaking to them, confirming the message of His love. They were touched that God had spoken to them, and they knew they had come by divine appointment.

We had a good meeting talking about the love of the Father. Things started on the wrong footing. We were least prepared but God showed us and turned things out for good for everyone (Rom 8:28). Isn’t our Father God wonderful?


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