
Christianity is a living relationship with God, where we experience His abundant grace in our lives. We would like to share some of these wonderful testimonies contributed by friends - to glorify God and to encourage your faith.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

50. The love of God calms a troubled child

Name: Shaw Keng
Date: September 2007
Location: Singapore
Note: Shaw Keng works in the child care centre at a Lutheran church. She shared this powerful testimony with me recently. I am writing this down and I trust you will be blessed.

There was a girl, about 3+ years old who was sent to the childcare centre. She appeared insecure in her heart. Perhaps there were other challenges in her home environment. When her father left her at the child care, she would scream uncontrollably. She would even jostle with, and kick the teachers. They did not know what to do. Nothing would calm her.

Then one day, the little girl heard the song, “Jesus loves the little children of the world.” God’s love touched her so deeply through that song. In the midst of the storm in her heart, she suddenly became calmed. There was a marked transformation in her. She came to the child care the following day wearing a cross which she showed to her teachers and she said, “This is Jesus.”

Isn’t it amazing that God’s love can touch the heart of a 3+ year old child? There is no difference. God’s love can also touch the heart of anyone of any age. Be touched by the knowledge and reality of His love.


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