
Christianity is a living relationship with God, where we experience His abundant grace in our lives. We would like to share some of these wonderful testimonies contributed by friends - to glorify God and to encourage your faith.

Friday, May 04, 2007

35. Eunice - My mother's miraculous salvation & deliverance from death

Name: Eunice Ang
Date: Between 1993-1995
Location: Singapore
Note: Eunice is a mother with 3 children. She is the founder of Encounter Meeting. She encountered God during her Lutheran church revival in the 1990s and she ministers in the prophetic gifts of the Spirit

During the Lutheran church revival in the 1990s, I started experiencing the reality of God in my life. But my family did not know the Lord, and I was particularly burdened for my mother's salvation.

One morning, while I was working in my office, I looked up at the clock and I saw that it was 10 o'clock in the morning. God started talking to me through the clock. He said that I should apply for leave in the afternoon to visit my mother, who lives alone. I took immediate action and applied for urgent leave.

I reached my mother's home after lunch without any prior notice. She was shocked and asked why I was there. Before I entered the home, I saw a vision of my mother sitting on the chair, while I was on the floor. So when I entered the home, she sat on that chair, and I sat on the floor as I had seen in the vision.

Once we were in that position, she opened her mouth and started pouring her heart out to me. She had never done that before. She is a strong woman who she brought up her three daughters single handedly after our father left while we were still young. She was a woman of few words.

She said that she was very depressed recently. She had been experiencing pain in her legs. So I laid hands on her legs and prayed for her. As I did so, she started sobbing. That was the first time I had ever seen her sob. After that I prayed with her and led her to Christ. It was as if God knew that she was ready and He simply interrupted my work and pressed the button.

But that was not good enough. My mother wasn't going to church after she had received Christ. The Lord had put that urgency in my heart to bring her to church. One Sunday morning, I went to her home to invite her to church - but she refused. I went back disappointed.

Within a week from that Sunday, I woke up one morning at 3am. I saw a vision of my mother in a pool of water asking for help. Then Jesus appeared and walked at the brink of the pool. He threw in a float and rescued her.

The Lord told me that my mother was struggling on her own effort. She needed fellowship with Jesus, and she needed His help. When I woke up, I called my prayer partner, Annie. I said that it was time to visit my mother.

When we reached her home, we were surprised to see her hand in a bandage. She had a bad fall in the toilet earlier and her hand was in a bandage for 3 months after. I told her the vision, and she kept very silent. She understood that she needed Jesus' fellowship and help in her life. She started going to church with us thereafter.

A number of years later, in 2003, my mother had a stroke. I received a call from my sister at 10am and knelt down in prayer. I asked God to preserve my mother and to give her back to me in the best shape. When I went to the hospital, she was in a coma. For 3 days and 3 nights, she was not conscious. The doctor said that if she does not regain consciousness after the third day, it would be downhill thereafter.

The Lord heard my prayer. There was some movement on the 4th day. She improved after that. Within 10 days, she was miraculously discharged. Some 2-3 month's later, she was baptised.

The Lord had even prepared my sister before my mother had the stroke. A few days earlier, she had just attended a talk about stroke. She learnt for the first time what the symptoms were. So when she saw my mother with those symptoms, she called the ambulance immediately. The quick response saved my mother's life. It was more than a coincidence. It was God's arrangement.

Through the incident, both my sister Diana and my mother came to experience the power of God. They were revived spiritually and have been on fire for God since then. Praise God for His intervention that resulted in my mother's spiritual and physical salvation. God knew the desire that I had in my heart for my mother's salvation and He brought it to pass by the power of His Spirit. Subsequently, one by one, the rest of my family members also came to know the Lord.


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