
Christianity is a living relationship with God, where we experience His abundant grace in our lives. We would like to share some of these wonderful testimonies contributed by friends - to glorify God and to encourage your faith.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

33. Joshua & Florence - Jesus calms a sand-storm in the Sahara Desert

Name: Joshua & Florence
Date: July 2006
Location: Sahara Desert

In July 2006, we were in Morocco. We were at the fringe of the Sahara Desert and the temperatures surged up to 50 degrees celcius. We were at risk of dehydration, and I almost fell ill. Florence and I drank bottles of mineral water continuously. We prayed that the Lord would strengthen our health for the whole trip. By the grace of God, I never fell ill though several others on the group did due to the weather.

About an hour before we went on a 4WD in to the sand dunes of Sahara for our Camel ride, it started to rain. In the desert, it hardly rains. The last time they had rain was about one month earlier. Because of the rain, the temperatures went down to a comfortable level. That was a relief for us.

But the rain caused another problem. A sand-storm started as we were driving in. The visibility in the 4WD was less than 3 metres. We had to open the window lid narrowly as there was no air-con in the vehicle. Soon, the whole vehicle was filled with fine sand. We had to cover our face and our nose. Our clothes were filled with sand.

We got anxious wondering if our camel ride would be cancelled. So we prayed that the sand-storm would subside. In the natural, a sand-storm could go on for hours. As we prayed, it got worst. While waiting at the shelter house, we looked out of the window and saw the trees bending to the howling wind. We prayed.

About 10 minutes later, someone announced that the sand storm had subsided and we could proceed. I was surprised. I ran to the window and saw that the storm had suddenly subsided. So we managed to go for the camel ride and it was cooling in the desert. God gave us the perfect weather. On top of that, we experienced a sand-storm, and we also experienced His miracle of calming a sand-storm. He is Lord even over the elements. He is our heavenly Father who always takes care of us.


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