
Christianity is a living relationship with God, where we experience His abundant grace in our lives. We would like to share some of these wonderful testimonies contributed by friends - to glorify God and to encourage your faith.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

73. Florence - Healed in the womb during worship

Name: Florence Lye
Date: 1992
Location: Singapore

Last Saturday, my wife and I were sharing with a couple, encouraging them to believe in the miraculous healing power of our Lord Jesus.

During the session, we talked about many healing testimonies of our past, to encourage the couple. During times like these, the Holy Spirit brings to our remembrance things of the past that we may have forgotten in time.

One such testimony that we recalled had to do with God’s healing power through worship. We were filled with thanksgiving to the Lord when we recalled that testimony. This is why we endeavor to document down all the testimonies in our life, so that our children can read them one day. It is like taking a photo that can be remembered in time.

In 1992, my wife Florence and I were studying in the university (NTU). Due to the stress from her studies, Florence did not have her period for 6 months. This greatly concerned her because it was a long period of time.

It was during those times when Florence experienced a revival in the Lord through the baptism in the Holy Spirit. She began to spend more time with God in prayer and worship.

One Sunday, we were in church. During the worship, Florence was enjoying herself in the presence of God. Suddenly, she felt tangible warmth descend upon her and touched her womb. It was the anointing of the Holy Spirit that brought forth healing.

Thereafter, her period resumed miraculously. She remembers this testimony after some 16 years. We have two beautiful children today.

This reminds me of the story of Obed Edom, whose family was blessed when the Ark of the Covenant was left at their home. The Ark represents the presence of God in worship. David instituted worship before the Ark of the Covenant. When we worship, miracles do happen.

God Bless


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