
Christianity is a living relationship with God, where we experience His abundant grace in our lives. We would like to share some of these wonderful testimonies contributed by friends - to glorify God and to encourage your faith.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

70. Emily – A miracle child after 5 devastating miscarriages

Name: Emily
Date: 2006
Location: Singapore
Note: This awesome testimony was written by Emily and shared to me by Emily’s husband over lunch fellowship. Be blessed.

I’ll never forget the day I held him in my arms and his wide open eyes eagerly staring at me and my husband. That was 14 months ago and when I watched my son from afar now, he is walking steadily, clapping his hands, laughing with joy and uttering words, I know that this testimony is long overdue.

In year 2001, few months after we decided to start a family, I was thrilled to find out that I was pregnant, only to realize few weeks later that it didn’t work out. Subsequently, from years 2002 to 2005, I had four other miscarriages, one every year.

It was difficult and devastating for both of us. What made it worse was that my gynecologist could not provide us a satisfactory diagnosis, even after we had several blood tests and analysis done. We went to seek second opinion, and several other “experts in their field”, but all provided a typical script-like answer of “probably bad luck or bad timing” with no clear scientific explanations.

As a woman, and a wife, I felt like a part of my identity is shredded and murdered. The pain is magnified each time my prayer went unanswered.

I was truly disheartened and felt rejected. I wondered why God seems so distant and why is He hidden from me? Each time my husband assured me that it’s alright, the pain in my heart mounted. I cried and prayed very hard. It was only silence.

We went to the Healing Room of our church, sought prayers from friends, and responded desperately to altar-calling by our pastors.

We continued praying unceasingly and fervently to the Lord. During my husband’s quiet prayer time in April 2005, God first revealed that He will bless us with a son - “Do not worry. I will bless you with a son.” was such comforting words from the Lord. My husband began to journal down every words of God which he heard.

After I had the 5th miscarriage in May 2005, we began to doubt what we’ve heard. My husband prayed and God revealed again in July 2005 about the gift of a son for us – “Why are you filled with so much anxiety and worry? I’ve said that I’ll bless you with a son. It shall be done and has been done!”

While nursing the pain, we continued to hold on to the Lord’s promise, which He assured my husband a few more times over the months. The Lord’s words and promise are so powerful and personal that we stood in awe, even till today.

In August 2005, knowing my anxiousness, my husband asked God about the timing of the gift of a son. The Lord’s reply was so astounding once again – “What you have seen is temporary, what is unseen is real. You are dealing with principalities & darkness which are unseen. But take heart, I have overcome them. Tell her that she will receive this son very soon for I have delivered her. Do not be anxious of anything. Have faith in Me and it will be done. My covenant with you shall come to pass and will be accomplished. In a blink of your eyes, all will be done and have been done.”

In September 2005, I went on a holiday to Taiwan and Hong Kong with my parents. During his quiet prayer time on 1st October 2005, my husband asked God how soon we will receive this gift of a son. Again, the Lord’s reply was so amazing – “If I’ve told you the timing, you will not believe. My Will will be done on earth as in heaven. When you first heard the news of pregnancy, you will know that I’m your living God. Trust in Me, I say, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding.”

When I returned from my holiday on 3rd October 2005, I experienced an odd feeling inside my tummy which I can’t explain. I shared with my husband that I felt pregnant and so I did a urine pregnancy test. As much as we wanted to see it, the word “Pregnant” appeared on the digital pregnancy test kit!

By God’s grace & blessing, my 6th pregnancy went on very smoothly and I delivered a healthy & joyful baby boy at full term. We rejoice and praise God for this wonderful miracle gift of a son which He promised us. We gave him a Chinese name with the meaning “fruitfulness in God’s glory”.

I do not want to over-simplify any painful journeys nor do I claim to have an easy answer. As my life was crumbled by this grief, I began to doubt what I once believed about a loving God. I had my share of joy only to turn to bitterness when I had the miscarriages. God can be at times so distant, but He can also be so close and personal.

I remembered those times during the pregnancy in January 2006 when we were exploring different options on how to take care of our baby – infant care centre, nanny or parents, etc. My husband prefers me to take care of our child directly, but it was not easy for me to give up my full-time job because it was a good organization, the remuneration was decent and I like my boss and colleagues. However, we finally decided that I should quit from my job after our baby is born.

Before I could do so, never had I thought that God already has a good plan for us when we prayed and presented our wish to Him. The following month, in February 2006, it was announced unexpectedly that my organization in Singapore will be relocated to India and I was retrenched with more than a year of pay as severance package! My husband and I were flabbergasted by the hand of God.

God can intervene, He can perform all miracles, but we must know that His ways are higher than our ways; His thinking is above our thinking. We cannot claim to fathom His way, but we are glad to have a glimpse of HIS GRACE.

I cannot understand the victory and triumph of Christian life until I come to term with my true royal identity in Christ Jesus.

Glory and praise to the Almighty God! Amen.

At His Service,
01 August 2007


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