
Christianity is a living relationship with God, where we experience His abundant grace in our lives. We would like to share some of these wonderful testimonies contributed by friends - to glorify God and to encourage your faith.

Monday, September 01, 2008

84. Mary – Praying for my son’s lost wallet

Name: Mary
Date: 2008
Note: Mary shared this testimony at Encounter Meeting in Aug 2008

Sister Mary was sharing about his son’s lost wallet. He fell asleep on the public bus and when he alighted, he realized that he had dropped his wallet. There were many important items in the wallet including his identity card, bank ATM card, etc.

He told his mother, Mary and they went to the Clementi police station to make a report. The bus route is between Clementi and Marine Parade, so if anyone returns it, it would likely be at one of the two locations.

However, they were not attended to immediately at the police station, and they were getting frustrated. So Mary asked his son to pray. They prayed together and asked for his wallet to be returned to them. Shortly after, they were told that the wallet was found and returned to the Marine Parade station. They went to collect it, and found that all the items were still in the wallet. Nothing had been lost. Praise the Lord!

A few months later, Mary’s son lost his wallet again. Mary was woken up by his son who broke the news. This time, Mary was angry with him for being so careless the second time. She called the police stations at Clementi and Marine Parade but to no avail. As she was frantically making those calls, she became angry to see her son watching TV in a relaxed state. She started to scold him for being so relaxed about the loss.

He replied, “Don’t worry, I have prayed already!” Her son remembered how the Lord answered their prayer the first time he lost the wallet. He believed that God could do it again. Mary realized that she had not entrusted to the Lord in prayer. So they prayed together.

Isn’t amazing how easy it is to depend on our own ability instead of trusting God. Whenever we are anxious, we are probably be depending our own ability. But when we trust in the Lord, we will be rested, like Mary’s son. Sometimes, the answer is only a prayer away.

There was no news for two weeks. They continued praying and trusting the Lord. Finally, the prayer was answered. A lady who had found the wallet brought it to the Marine Parade station. Everything was intact. This was the Lord at work through prayer – not once but twice. I know of many people who have lost their wallets and were never found. All glory be to Jesus. Miracles happen when we pray.


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